Your Unique Character Voice has a Unique Personality

Your Unique Character Voice has Unique Personal Mannerisms


Do Not Have Your Unique Character Voice

Become Someonelse’s Online


“Digital Puppet”


Protecting Your Unique Character Voice

You Are Proactive

Against Criminal Artificial Intelligence

How To Record Your Personal Unique Character Voice

We Provide the Professional Online Voice Studio

You Record Your Personal Unique Character Voice

Just Like

Famous Actors Singers Voiceover Artists

You Receive an Official Certified Certificate

Documenting Your Personal Unique Character Voice Recording

We Do Keep a Copy of

Your Personal Unique Character Voice Recording

Protect and Record Your Unique Character Voice

For a one time investment of only $99

Make a Certified Copy of Your

Personal Unique Character Voice

Index – Scroll Over Links

“Why You Need Your Personal Certified Copy”

Of Your Identifiable Unique Character Voice

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now


“CheapFakes/Shadow Fakes”

Criminal/Revengeful Use of Your Stolen Unique Character Voice

Protect Your Good Name/Character/Reputation Now

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now


“Non-Consensual Revenge Porn”

DeepFakes/CheapFake Machine Generated Online Pornography

Criminals Potentially Can/May Illegally Use

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now


“Cyber Bullying”

Criminal/Revengeful Use of Your Stolen Unique Character Voice

Protect Your Good Name/Character/Reputation Now

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now


“Fake News”

Illegal Use of Your Stolen Unique Character Voice

To Create/Circulate

Libelous and Criminal

A.I./Machine Generated Malicious Material

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now


“Fraud Schemes”

Criminal Use of Your Stolen Unique Character Voice

Using Online Artificial Machine Generated Intelligence

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now


“Your Character’s Words are Your Assets”

Your Character’s Fav Phrase/Statement/Acknowledgment

Do Not Let Artificial Intelligence DeepFake/CheapFake

Steal Your Character’s Unique Character Voice for Profit

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now


“Brand Your Unique Character Voice”

Record Your Unique Character Voice is a Personal Business

Send a Personal Voice Copy to Voiceover Agents

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now


“Voice Recognition”

Is Coming

Like Personal Eye/Finger/Hand Print Identification

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now


“What if Your Unique Character Voice Changes?”

Record/Save a Copy of Your Original Unique Character Voice

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now


“Record Your Unique Character Voice”

Personal Voice Copyright Will be Legislated

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now


“A Voice is as Distinctive as One’s Face”

Midler vs Ford Motor Company

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now


“Famous Celebrities Personal Voice’s”

Have been DeepFaked/CheapFaked by Criminals

Patent Act and Your Personal Unique Character Voice


Trademark Act and Your Personal Unique Character Voice


“When Fraudulent Phone Emergency Contact is Made”

Using Your A.I. Imitated/Stolen Voice

Advise Grandparent/Sibling/Relative/Best Friend or Mate

Signs a Phone Call is

Artificial Intelligence or Machine Generated

Record Your Unique Character Voice Now


Your Unique Character Voice Mannerisms/Personality

          Can Never Be Perfectly

DeepFaked/CheapFaked/Machine Generated

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now

Why You Need to Record

Your Personal Certified Copy of

Your  Identifiable Unique Character Voice

Currently the vast majority of legal precedent cases were judged/adjudicated before current day Artificial Intelligence Capabilities and DeepFake/CheapFake Crimes were ever a consideration!

Note, your personal Unique Character Voice mannerisms/personality can not be perfectly matched by Artificial Intelligence possibilities online.

DeepFake/CheapFaked Machine Generated Voice cannot perfectly imitate your Unique Character Voice mannerisms/personality.

Any comparison to your actual recorded Unique Character Voice will instantly identify the DeepFake/CheapFake A.I./Machine Generated stolen Unique Character Voice while instantly proving the victim’s/your innocence. 

When a crime is committed using another person’s/your synthetic media generated Unique Character Voice, the Court will ask for a Certified Copy of your illegally stolen Unique Character’s Voice.

Record Your Unique Character Voice.

By having a Dated Certified Copy of the Court called/your Personal Unique Character Voice, the victim/you of DeepFake/CheapFake Unique Character Voice Theft, demonstrates to the Court, legal aforethought, being prepared to legally defend her/his/your good respectable reputation in her/his/your community.

Record Your Unique Character Voice Now

Click here Create Your Sole Copy


Artificial Intelligence

You Must Become Potentially Protectively Proactive

Against Potentially Problematic

Negative Online Synthetic Media Capabilities

Using Stolen Unique Character Voice

“CheapFakes/Shadow Fakes”

Criminal/Revengeful Use of Your Stolen Unique Character Voice

Protect Your Good Name/Character/Reputation Now

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now

CheapFakes or Shadow Fakes are online manipulations/creations developed using downloadable, free online, cheap, accessible, universally available worldwide, audio visual manipulation programs/app/ techniques.

Criminals, low-lifes, revenge fanatics, pornography purveyors and perverts can steal your unique Character Voice and cheaply manipulate your illegally stolen Unique Character Voice for unimaginable criminal possibilities.

When a malicious cheap criminal act is committed using another person’s/your Unique Character Voice, the Court will ask for a Certified Copy of that illegally stolen and used personal Unique Character Voice of the victim/you.

Note, your Unique Character Voice mannerisms/personality can not be perfectly matched by Artificial Intelligence possibilities online.

An illegal DeepFake/CheapFake Machine Generated Unique Character Voice cannot perfectly imitate your Personal Character’s Voice mannerisms/personality.


Any comparison to your actual Recorded Unique Character Voice will instantly identify the DeepFake/CheapFaked A.I./Machine Generated Unique Character Voice while instantly proving the victim’s/your innocence. 

Record Your Unique Character Voice.

By having a Dated Certified Copy of the Court called Personal Unique Character Voice, the victim/you of DeepFake/CheapFake Unique Character Voice Theft, demonstrates to the Court, legal aforethought, being prepared to legally defend her/his/your good respectable reputation in her/his/your community.

Record Your Unique Character Voice Now

Click here Create Your Sole Copy


Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

Can Create/Replicate

Believable Illegal Deepfakes/CheapFakes

Of Your Unique Character Voice

“Non-Consensual Revenge Porn”

Deepfakes/CheapFake Machine Generated Online Pornography

Criminals Potentially Can/May Illegally Use

Your Unique Character Voice

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now

Non-consensual pornography using DeepFake/CheapFake created content represents the vast majority of A.I./Machine Generated Synthetic Content online!

Yet, there are Territories, States and Countries in the world where Revenge Porn is not illegal!

What if someone victimizes you, by manipulating Artificial Intelligence to use your stolen Unique Character Voice for a non-consensual, synthetic pornography attack, maliciously demeaning your good character/reputation!

That thought/possibility is truly scary!

Note, your Unique Character Voice mannerisms/personality can not be perfectly matched by Artificial Intelligence possibilities online.

An illegal DeepFake/CheapFake Machine Generated Unique Character Voice cannot perfectly imitate your Character’s Voice mannerisms/personality.

Any comparison to your Recorded Unique Character Voice will instantly identify the DeepFake/CheapFake A.I./Machine Generated Voice while instantly proving the victim’s/your innocence. 

When a crime is committed using another person’s/your synthetic media generated Unique Character Voice, the Court will ask for a Certified Copy of that illegally used/your Unique Character’s Voice.

Record Your Unique Character Voice.

By having a Dated Certified Copy of your words in your Unique Character Voice, if/when you are the victim of DeepFake/CheapFake Theft, for whatever malicious criminal purpose, you will have demonstrated to the Court, legal aforethought, by being prepared to defend your Voice Privacy, your assets and good respectable reputation in your community.

Record Your Unique Character Voice Now

Click here Create Your Sole Copy


Be Proactive – Be Prepared

Legal Changes Are Coming

Preserve and Record

Your Unique Character Voice

“Cyber Bullying”

Criminal/Revengeful Use of Your Stolen Unique Character Voice

Protect Your Good Name/Character/Reputation Now

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now

Criminals, low-lifes, revenge fanatics, pornography purveyors and perverts can steal your Unique Character Voice and cheaply manipulate your illegally used Unique Character Voice for criminal Cyber Bullying possibilities.

When a malicious cheap Cyber Bullying criminal act is committed using another person’s/your Unique Character Voice, the Court will ask for a Certified Copy of that illegally/criminally used Unique Character Voice of the victim/you.

Note, your Unique Character Voice mannerisms/personality can not be perfectly matched by Artificial Intelligence possibilities online.

DeepFake/CheapFake Machine Generated Voice cannot perfectly imitate your Unique Character’s Voice mannerisms/personality.

Any comparison to your actual Recorded Unique Character Voice will instantly identify the DeepFake A.I./Machine Generated stolen Unique Character Voice while instantly proving the victim’s/your innocence. 

Record Your Unique Character Voice.

By having a Dated Certified Copy of your words in your Unique Character Voice, if/when you are the victim of DeepFake/CheapFake Theft, for whatever malicious criminal purpose, you will have demonstrated to the Court, legal aforethought, by being prepared to defend your Voice Privacy, your assets and good respectable reputation in your community.

Record Your Unique Character Voice Now

Click here Create Your Sole Copy

Potential Costly Problems

If/When Your Unique Character Voice is Stolen

“Fake News”

Illegal Use of Your Stolen Unique Character Voice

To Create/Circulate

Libelous and Criminal

A.I./Machine Generated Malicious Material

Record Your Unique Character Voice

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now

What if your imitated/stolen Artificial Intelligence/Machine Generated Unique Character Voice was used/being used for putting out Libelous/Criminal Fake News about someone/something. 

Now you might have large/financially debilitating/unwanted Lawyer Costs defending yourself!

When a libelous Fake News crime is committed using another person’s/your Unique Character Voice, the Court will ask for a copy of that illegally used Unique Character Voice of the victim/you.

Note, your Unique Character Voice mannerisms/personality can not be perfectly matched by Artificial Intelligence possibilities online.

DeepFake/CheapFake Machine Generated stolen Unique Character Voice cannot perfectly imitate your Unique Character Voice mannerisms/personality.

Any comparison to your recorded Unique Character Voice recording will instantly identify the DeepFake A.I./Machine Generated Voice while instantly proving the victim’s/your innocence. 

When a crime is committed using another person’s/your synthetic media generated Unique Character Voice, the Court will ask for a Certified Copy of that illegally used Unique Character’s Voice.

Record Your Unique Character Voice.

By having a Dated Certified Copy of your words in your Unique Character Voice, if/when you are the victim of DeepFake/CheapFake Theft, for whatever malicious criminal purpose, you will have demonstrated to the Court, legal aforethought, by being prepared to defend your Unique Character Voice Privacy, your assets and good respectable reputation in your community.

Record Your Unique Character Voice

Click here Create Your Sole Copy


DeepFake/CheapFake Stealing Your Unique Character Voice

Using Your Character’s Machine Replicated Voice

Perhaps/Potentially For Criminal/Fraud Profits

“Fraud Schemes”

Criminal Use of Your Stolen Unique Character Voice

 Using Online Artificial Machine Generated Intelligence

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now

What if your imitated/stolen Artificial Intelligence/Machine Generated Personal Unique Character Voice was used/being used in an online Fraud Scheme?

When a Fraud Crime is committed using another person’s/your Unique Character’s Voice, the Court will ask for a Certified Copy of that non-consensual/illegally/criminally used Recorded Unique Character Voice of the victim/you.

Note. Your Unique Character Voice mannerisms/personality can not be perfectly matched by Artificial Intelligence possibilities online.

A DeepFake/Machine Generated Voice cannot perfectly imitate your Personal Voice/Unique Character Voice mannerisms/personality.

Any comparison to your actual Recorded Unique Character Voice will instantly identify the DeepFake/CheapFake A.I./Machine Generated Unique Character Voice while instantly proving the victim’s/your innocence. 

When a crime is committed using another person’s/your synthetic media generated Unique Character Voice, the Court will ask for a Certified Copy of that illegally used Personal Unique Character Voice.

Record Your Unique Character Voice.

By having a Dated Certified Copy of your words in your Unique Character Voice, if/when you are the victim of DeepFake/CheapFake Theft, for whatever malicious criminal purpose, you will have demonstrated to the Court, legal aforethought, by being prepared to defend your Unique Character’s Voice Privacy, your assets and good respectable reputation in your community.

Record Your Unique Character Voice

Click here Create Your Sole Copy


Why You The Talent

Need to Protect

Your Unique Character Voice Asset Now


Your Character’s Words are Your Assets

Your Character’s Fav Phrase/Statement/Acknowledgment

Do Not Let Artificial Intelligence DeepFake/CheapFake

Steal Your Recorded Unique Character Voice for Profit

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now

Illegal entrepreneurs and online criminals troll the Internet looking for anything that will make them money. 

Online criminals can steal your Unique Character Voice’s fav words/phrase/delivery technique, then sell your stolen Unique Character Voice to the highest bidder for their potential ill gotten profits using you’re A.I. stolen voice.

If your Recorded Unique Character Voice is known for any special statement, way of saying an interesting personally invented phrase, you need to protect your Unique Character Voice asset.

Love Your Unique Character Voice.  You created it.  You own it.

Note, Your Unique Character Voice mannerisms/personality can not be perfectly matched by Artificial Intelligence possibilities online.

DeepFake/CheapFake Machine Generated Voice cannot perfectly imitate your Unique Character Voice mannerisms/personality.

Any comparison to your recorded Character’s Voice will instantly identify the DeepFake A.I./Machine Generated Voice while instantly proving the victim’s/your innocence. 

When a crime is committed using another person’s/your synthetic media generated Unique Character Voice, the Court will ask for a Certified Copy of that illegally used Unique Character Voice.

By having a Dated Certified Copy of your words in your Unique Character Voice, if/when you are the victim of DeepFake/CheapFake Theft, for whatever malicious criminal purpose, you will have demonstrated to the Court, legal aforethought, by being prepared to defend your Character’s Voice Privacy, your assets and your good respectable reputation in your community.

Your Unique Character Voice is your personal Asset, a thing of value owned.

Record Your Unique Character Voice.

Your Unique Character’s Voice recorded words are your Asset and may be worth money in the future.  Make your Personal Unique Character Voice Copy now.

Record Your Unique Character Voice Now

Click here Create Your Sole Copy

Brand Your Unique Character Voice

Preserving and Recording Your Unique Character Voice

Is a Personal Business Opportunity

Send Your Unique Character Voice Copy to Voiceover Agents

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now

Now that you have a Certified Copy of Your Unique Character Voice recording, you can Brand Your Unique Character Voice.

You can now send a copy of your Unique Character Voice to Voiceover Agents.

You may have a Unique Character Voice that is just right for a cartoon/commercial/radio ad, creating an income from Your Unique Character Voice, that you never expected.

Record Your Unique Character Voice Now

Click here Create Your Sole Copy

Your Recognizable Unique Character Voice

Verifies Your Unique Character’s Identity to Others

Voice Recognition is Coming

Like Personal Eye/Finger/Hand Print Identification

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now

Electronic Voice Recognition, just like eye/finger prints/hand prints, will be used in the future, for personal identification.

Be prepared with a Certified Copy of your Voice/Character’s Voice, that you in your wisdom, your understanding of the future, created in the past.

Record Your Unique Character Voice Now

Click here Create Your Sole Copy

What if Your Unique Character Voice Changes

Record a Copy of Your Original Unique Character Voice

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now

For numerous reasons and explanations, your Voice, hence your Character’s Voice, can/may change too.

You can replace the original sound of your Personal Voice before any possible/potential vocal change.

To protect your original Voice/Unique Character Voice – from DeepFake/CheapFake Voice Theft – after your voice may/has changed –  Record and Preserve a Certified Copy of your Personal Voice/Unique Character Voice now, for future reference and possible personal  Voice/Unique Character Voice legal protection.

Record Your Unique Character Voice Now

Click here Create Your Sole Copy

Own Your Unique Character Voice

Personal Voice Copyright Will be Legislated

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now

With Artificial Intelligence/Machine Generated DeepFake/CheapFake Personal Voice/Unique Character Voice Theft capabilities on the Internet, governments worldwide will soon be legislating against any and all online Voice/Unique Character Voice Thefts.

Artificial Intelligence/Machine Generated Intelligence, known as A.I. online, is theft technology that is currently outpacing legal thought, action and legislation.

The law currently lags behind current Internet Voice/Character Voice Theft Capabilities.

Currently the vast majority of legal cases were judged/adjudicated before current day Artificial Intelligence Capabilities and DeepFake/CheapFake Criminals/Crimes.

Note, your Unique Character Voice mannerisms/personality can not be perfectly matched by Artificial Intelligence possibilities online.

A DeepFake/CheapFake Machine Generated Unique Character Voice cannot perfectly imitate your recorded Unique Character Voice mannerisms/personality.

Any illegal comparison to your actual recorded Unique Character Voice will instantly identify the DeepFake/CheapFake A.I./Machine Generated Voice while instantly proving the victim’s/your innocence. 

When a crime is committed using another person’s/your synthetic media generated Unique Character Voice, the Court will ask for a Certified Copy of that illegally used Unique Character Voice.

Record Your Unique Character Voice.

By having a Dated Certified Copy of your words in your Unique Character Voice, if/when you are the victim of DeepFake/CheapFake Theft, for whatever malicious criminal purpose, you will have demonstrated to the Court, legal aforethought, by being prepared to defend your Character’s Voice Privacy, your assets and good respectable reputation in your community.

Record Your Unique Character Voice Now

Click here Create Your Sole Copy

“A Voice is as Distinctive as One’s Face”

Midler vs Ford Motor Company

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now

The Court of Appeal held that a voice is not Copyrightable by the current Copyright Act, legislated law.

That Court decision was made many years/decades ago, before the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence were invented, with current day A.I. ability to steal your voice!

However, by the Court stating that “a Voice is as Distinctive as One’s Face”, the Legal Argument has been put forward that, by Common Law Rights, your Personal Voice is as Distinctive as your Face.

By birth you own both your Face and your Voice/Unique Character Voice.

Protect yourself against Artificial Intelligence DeepFake/CheapFake Personal Voice/Unique Character Voice theft criminals.

By having a Dated Certified Copy of your words in your Voice/Unique Character Voice, if/when you are the victim of DeepFake/CheapFake Theft, for whatever malicious criminal purpose, you will have demonstrated to the Court, legal aforethought, by being prepared to defend your Voice/Unique Character Voice Privacy, your assets and good respectable reputation in your community.

Record your Unique Character Voice.

Be pro-active against A.I.   Record and Preserve a copy of your Personal Voice/Unique Character Voice now.

Record Your Unique Character Voice Now

Click here Create Your Sole Copy

As a Responsible Confident Individual

You Take Care of Business Today

With an Eye on Future Trends

Record Your Unique Character Voice

“Famous Celebrities’ Personal Voices”

Have been DeepFaked/CheapFaked

You Potentially May/Can Have

Your Unique Character Voice Stolen by Criminals

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now

Bette Midler had to defend her stolen voice in Court.

DeepFake songs exist of both late singers Elvis and Frank Sinatra,

The talented entrepreneur and popular/successful rapper J-Z had his voice stolen and needed a Lawyer.

A tech guy recently created a complete song by DeepFaking rapper Eminem’s voice.

Drake and The Weeknd have had their voices illegally used/stolen and the DeepFake A.I. created music recording is online !!!

Celebrities have some Legal Voice protection under Performer’s Rights, Right of Publicity, Appropriation of Identity and Rights of Privacy.

Before Artificial Intelligence online criminal capabilities, the Courts determined that the late renown guitar/singing artist, Jimmy Hendrix, could protect his voice in a performance, but not his voice in isolation.

The law will change to protect your Unique Character’s Voice.

Be proactive. 

Be Prepared.

Your future protection is initiated today by Recording a Certified Copy of Your Unique Character Voice now.

To protect your original Voice/Unique Character Voice – from DeepFake/CheapFake Voice Theft – Record and Preserve a Certified Copy of your Personal Voice/Unique Character Voice now, for future reference and possible Personal Voice/Unique Character Voice legal protection.

Record Your Unique Character Voice Now

Click here Create Your Sole Copy

Patent Act and Your Unique Character Voice

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now

Currently, your Unique Character Voice has no Protection under Patent Law.

Be pro-active against A.I.   Make a copy of your personal Unique Character Voice now.

To protect your original Voice/Unique Character Voice – from DeepFake/CheapFake Voice Theft – Record and Preserve a Certified Copy of your Personal Voice/Unique Character Voice now, for future reference and possible Personal Voice/Unique Character Voice legal protection.

Record Your Unique Character Voice

Click here Create Your Sole Copy

Trademark Act and Your Unique Character Voice

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now

A Trade Mark is a Mark that is created/used to differentiate certain Goods/Merchandise/Services from other goods and services.

Certain Sounds can be Trademarked if the Sound(s) differential certain goods and services from other goods and services.

The Law has not recognized that a Personal Voice/Character Voice can be Trademarked.

However, that legal determination was before Artificial Intelligence DeepFake Voice production/capabilities was developed.

Be pro-active against potential A.I. and Machine Generated DeepFake’s of your distinctive Recorded Unique Character Voice.

To protect your original Personal Voice/Unique Character Voice – from DeepFake/CheapFake Voice Theft – Record and Preserve a Certified Copy of your Unique Character Voice now, for future reference and possible Personal Voice/Unique Character Voice legal protection.

Record Your Unique Character Voice Now

Click here Create Your Sole Copy

When Fraudulent Phone Emergency Contact is Made

Using Your A.I. Imitated/Stolen Voice

Advise Grandparent/Sibling/Relative/Best Friend or Mate

Signs a Phone Call is

Artificial Intelligence or Machine Generated

Create Your Unique Character Voice Electronic Insurance Now

  1. Calm oneself with the distress message being thrust upon them
  2. Listen carefully to the voice on the phone
  3. Does the voice’s phraseology sound normal – what you expect to hear
  4. Are the sentences choppy – unusual or unfamiliar to you
  5. Is there a varying/unfamiliar sound in the tone of the voice
  6. Listen to the background – are the sounds consistent with where the person on the phone say they are
  7. Is the story consistent with current info on your family relatives or friends
  8. Ask question only the real person would know